Service Consumption Tables
V.1.0.3 Effective November 4, 2024
These Service Consumption Terms are effective as of May 1, 2023 (the "Effective Date") and apply to all customers on Stacksync’s consumption based pricing model.
Stacksync provides automated cloud data pipelines (“Connectors”, “Apps”) to its customers (each a “Customer”, “you”, “your”) as a service that transport data from various sources to specific destinations (the “Stacksync Service”). The service supports unidirectional and bidirectional data sync and is available in multiple plans (“Plans”) hosted across various geographical regions ("Regions") by third-party cloud providers (“Cloud Providers”), as described in your agreement with Stacksync (“Agreement”). Event-based actions (“Triggers”) may be initiated based on data activity within Connectors.
Workspace: The customer’s collaborative space attached to a subscription. Each workspace has exactly one active subscription. Workspace contains Connectors and Destinations grouped into Bases.
Base: Two or more apps connected together with data in sync. A base may be active, paused or deleted. Bases are organized within workspaces.
Account: The Customer’s account on Stacksync. An Account may own or have access to multiple workspaces. An Account contains personal data about the customer.
Arrears: For Capacity Purchases (defined below) only, this means any additional usage after the initial purchase has been used, but before the end of the original term. The Arrears period ensures you are able to continue using the Stacksync Services, even if the original Contracted Spend has already been consumed. You will be alerted by Stacksync when you are in Arrears.
Subscription: A paid plan attached to a workspace.
Billing Period: A calendar month running from the first to the last day of the month.
Capacity Purchase: A subscription-based plan which requires an annual upfront purchase of Contracted Spend in bulk.
Contracted Spend: The total dollar amount purchased as listed in the Order Form. Contracted Spend is shown on an annual basis.
Destination: A destination is a data warehouse, database, data lake, or data lake house where the data is delivered.
Incremental Spend: The price charged for the next thousand MAR (or portion of the next thousand MAR) consumed after surpassing the MAR Threshold for the month in question. Initial Sync: The first time that a connector completes a historical sync.
Monthly Purchase: A plan which is not subscription based, whereby a Customer is billed monthly in-arrears for their usage during the prior Billing Period. Monthly plans are available to purchase at (i) user interface or through the (ii) AWS, (iii) GCP, or (iv) Azure marketplaces.
Monthly Active Rows (“MAR”): The number of distinct Primary Keys synced via Stacksync, calculated on a per-Base basis. We only count a row once per Billing Period, even if it syncs multiple times.
MAR Threshold: The minimum MAR usage requirement to receive the consumption rates on the Service Consumption Table below.
Monthly Spend: The dollar amount consumed each Billing Period from your Contracted Spend based on your actual monthly usage.
Total Monthly Spend: Total Monthly Spend is the sum of Monthly Spend on Connectors and any other applicable uses of the Stacksync platform and Services.
Order Form: The form used to purchase Contracted Spend from Stacksync. For Capacity Purchase customers, this is an order form document. For Monthly customers, this may be an order form document or may be the terms attached to a Monthly Purchase through one of the marketplaces identified above.
Plan: The bundle of features included as a part of your Stacksync Service and outlined here. Plans may be Capacity Purchase plans ( subscription-based) or may be Monthly Purchase plans (do not require annual subscriptions).
Primary Key: A unique identifier that specifies a distinct row within a table. In bidirectional sync mode, the primary keys of the rows in the synced apps are mapped together. In this context, the Primary Key corresponds to a unique mapping. For instance, a corresponding row in synced apps within the same base results in only one Primary Key.
Monthly Active Row (MAR)
MAR represents the number of distinct Primary Keys processed per Workspace per Billing Period. If a Primary Key is synced multiple times, it counts as one MAR. Up to 50% of the MAR for Initial Sync is excluded for each new Base.
In cases where network troubleshooting is needed, Customer cooperation may be required to allow data flow to Stacksync.
MAR Computation
MARs serve as billing units and are determined within a billing period of one month. MAR billing is based on these actions:
Record changes: each created, updated, or deleted record within a Billing Period is counted as one MAR, even if updated multiple times within the same period, it only counts as one MAR.
Triggers: each successful trigger counts as an additional MAR. For instance, if a record is updated five times during the billing period, and two of those updates activate triggers, only one MAR will be counted for the five record updates, and two MARs will be counted for the triggered actions. Thus, a total of three MARs will be billed for that scenario.
Full crawling requirements: some systems, like Hubspot, require full crawling to detect changes. All records synced will count as MAR. All synced records will be counted at least once as MAR within a billing period if they exist. However, even if the full data crawling occurs multiple times during the billing period, the records will only count as one MAR. Furthermore, if these same records are updated during the period, they will not count twice as MAR since they were already counted once within that period.
API proxy
Standard calls: included up to the plan’s quota, with excess usage billed at the MAR rate..
AI Insights calls: AI-driven calls (marked with “ai” in the URL) are included up to the plan’s quota and billed at 15 MAR per call once the quota is exceeded.
Service consumption and spend calculation
Monthly Spend depends on MAR usage and the selected Plan. Each Plan has a base price covering limited usage, with incremental costs for usage beyond the included limit:
Plan pricing
Starter Plan: $600/mo (or $500/mo billed yearly)
Pro Plan: $3000/mo (or $2500/mo billed yearly)
Enterprise Plan: custom pricing based on specific requirements
Service consumption table
Additional Monthly Active Rows Pricing (Consumption based). The pricing increments in thousand MAR. Each thousand MAR started, even partly consumed, is due in full.
First 10k
10k → 100k
100k → 1M
1M → 10M
10M → 100M
over 100M
Example of cost calculation
Suppose you’re on a Pro Plan with a base price and have used 200,000 MAR in one month. Here’s how costs are calculated:
First 10,000 MAR, included in your plan.
Next 90,000 MAR, priced at $8 per 1,000 MAR: 90 * $8 = $720.
Additional 100,000 MAR, priced at $2 per 1,000 MAR: 100 * $2 = $200.
Total MAR cost: $0 + $720 + $200 = $920.
Total Monthly Spend = Base Price ($3000) + MAR Cost ($920) = $3,920.
Custom development services
For services outside of standard support, such as custom development, the following hourly rates apply:
Junior Engineers / Junior Solutions Architects: $250 USD per hour
Senior Engineers / Senior Solutions Architects: $400 USD per hour
Capacity purchase plan
For customers with a Capacity Purchase Plan, usage rates are based on the Service Consumption Table. Multiple Workspaces under one Capacity Purchase Plan can share Contracted Spend but cannot combine MAR for volume discounts.
What happens when Contracted Spend is depleted?
Capacity Purchase Customers will enter an Arrears period if Contracted Spend is depleted, during which they can continue using Stacksync Services at the "Monthly Pay As You Go" rates. Stacksync will prompt customers to purchase additional usage.
Expiration of Contracted Spend
Contracted Spend must be used within the subscription term, with no rollover to the next term. Contact your account representative for renewals or new orders.
Multiple Workspaces
Each Workspace’s MAR usage is calculated independently. Combining MAR across Workspaces for discounts is not allowed, but consolidation into a single Workspace is available upon request.
Changes to the Stacksync Service Consumption Table
Stacksync may periodically update this Service Consumption Table. When updates are made, the “effective date” at the top of the document will be revised.
For Capacity Purchase plans, the updated table will apply upon renewal or when entering a new Order Form after the changes go into effect. This holds true if no other agreement between the parties supersedes this Service Consumption Table.
For Monthly Purchases/Plans, the updates will apply in the first Billing Period following the new effective date.
If a material change is made, Stacksync will make reasonable efforts to notify you through the Stacksync dashboard or via email prior to the update taking effect.
Benefits per plan
Each Plan offers specific benefits as detailed below. Not all features are available in every contract. For Enterprise Plans, benefits are customized and not universally included. Refer to your Order Form for specific entitlements.
Number of Bases
Monthly Active Rows (MAR)
1M + additional usage
Early access to Preview integrations
Collaborators per workspace
Processing region
Basic + Extended
All (including Custom regions)
Log retention
1 day
7 days
30 days
Community Slack
Chat Support
Email, Call, up to 24/7 Hotline
Solution Architects
On demand
On demand
Dedicated for setup and monthly
On-premise deployment
API Proxy - standard
50k calls/day
150k calls/day
API Proxy - AI insight
10 calls/month
200 calls/month
Free Base Pause
After 7 days of inactivity
Last updated