1. Find the credentials for your Snowflake instance.
Note the database name, schema name and the account identifier.
Account Identifier uniquely identifies a Snowflake account within your organization. It is a combination of your organization name and account name. It can be found in the Snowflake web interface.
Copy the following script which will create a new Stacksync role, user with the necessary permissions.
-- create the variables for user and role details
set role_name = 'STACKSYNC_ROLE';
set user_name = 'STACKSYNC_USER'; -- enter the username
set user_password = 'STACKSYNC_PASSWORD_#125$'; -- enter the password
set warehouse_name = 'COMPUTE_WH'; -- enter the warehouse you want to use
set database_name = 'STACKSYNC_TEST';
-- change role to security admin to create user and role
use role securityadmin;
-- create the Stacksync Role
create role if not exists identifier($role_name);
grant role identifier($role_name) to role SYSADMIN;
-- create a user for Stacksync
create user if not exists identifier($user_name)
password = $user_password
default_role = $role_name
default_warehouse = $warehouse_name;
-- grant Stacksync role to the new user
grant role identifier($role_name) to user identifier($user_name);
-- change role to accountadmin to grant permissions to the Stacksync Role
use role accountadmin;
-- grant Stacksync role access to warehouse
grant usage on warehouse identifier($warehouse_name) to role identifier($role_name);
-- grant Stacksync role access to database and create schemas
grant usage on database identifier($database_name) to role identifier($role_name);
grant create schema on database identifier($database_name) to role identifier($role_name);
-- select the database
use database identifier($database_name);
-- grant previlages to the all the schemas you want to sync (This example is for the PUBLIC schema)
-- Create tables and stream previlages.
grant usage on schema PUBLIC to role identifier($role_name);
grant create table on schema PUBLIC to role identifier($role_name);
grant create stream on schema PUBLIC to role identifier($role_name);
grant select on all tables in schema PUBLIC to role identifier($role_name);
grant select on future tables in schema PUBLIC to role identifier($role_name); -- (optional, for future tables)
-- repeat the steps above for all Schemas you want to sync.
3. Select Snowflake in the Create Sync page in Stacksync.