Create a Salesforce Developer instance (free forever)
Create your free Salesforce developer instance in 4 minutes 😍
Salesforce is the leading CRM and marketing tool for companies around the world. This guide helps you get started and create a Salesforce Developer instance, free forever. This guide will take you less than 4 minutes to complete in a few steps!

1. Fill in the blanks with your data

2. Click "Sign up" to create your account

👉 Make sure to remember the username you have chosen to make sure you can login later on.
You will receive an email in your mailbox to validate your email and account creation. The email might take a minute to arrive, time to cleanup your desk for 50 seconds!
3. Switch to (the link has been sent to you via email for validation).
This link is the link of your developer instance. Make sure to remember or bookmark it so you can come back to it whenever you want!

4. Create your password
You now have to create your secure password to connect to your Salesforce instance.

5. Click "Change Password"

6. Switch to (you should be automatically redirected)
You are now in your Salesforce instance! 🎉

The next steps will bring you to the Accounts/Leads/... the places where your data resides! These are tables containing your data records. You will be able to sync them with your database in real-time and two-way sync using Stacksync.
7. Click on the App Launcher MENU

8. [1] Search "Accounts" and [2] Click on "Accounts" in results

9. Click "Recently Viewed"

10. Click "All Accounts" to view all your Data

11. You are now in your "All Accounts" view!

That's it! 🥳
Now that you have created your free Salesforce developer instance, you can connect it to your database using Stacksync. To see how to create your first sync, follow this short and sweet guide!
Last updated