Authorize Netsuite
9min read
If you do not see the following screens to create your API token, it means that you do not have the necessary access rights to authorize your Netsuite instance. An admin role is necessary to perform the connection setup.
Login to your Netsuite account and navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
Under the ”SuiteCloud” header make sure the REST WEB SERVICES checkboxes is checked.
Under the ”Manage Authentication” header make sure the TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION checkbox is checked.
Click the save button at the bottom of the pagee.
Navigate to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New.
Token-based Authentication
onlyClick the save button.
The client credentials will now be displayed and be sure to copy the Consumer Id and Consumer Secret.
Navigate to the homepage by clicking the home icon. At the button left corner click the Manage Access Tokens button.
Select the Application Name you created for this integration.
Enter a ”Token Name”.
Save your new access token.
The token credentials will now be displayed. Copy the ”Token ID” & ”Token Secret”.
Get the
Account ID
from the URL, the domain name has the following format:<account_id>
You now have all the necessary credentials to grant Stacksync access to your Netsuite account. Go back to the Stacksync dashboard at

You successfully granted Stacksync access to you Netsuite account! 🎉 Feel free to reach out to us at if there is anything we can help with!
Last updated