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Create a Sync between Supabase Postgres and Salesforce

You are 5 minutes away from your real-time and two-way sync between Salesforce and Postgres. This guide walks you trough the 3 simple steps to get up and running!

1. Sign in or Create your account

2. Switch to

3. Click "Create New Sync"

4. Select "Postgres" to connect this App

5. Paste your Database "Connection String" or fill in manually the connection credentials

6. Click "Authorize App"

7. Click on the Salesforce icon to connect this App

8. Fill in your Credentials and Click "Log In"

9. Click " Allow "

Stacksync lets you map existing tables if both of the apps you want to connect already contain a table with the data you want to keep in sync (there is no need to have any of them empty at first). Alternatively, Stacksync can automatically create new tables for you if only one of your apps contain a table/schema with the data that you want to sync.

In most cases, people will let Stacksync create tables as the new schemas created will always be pixel-perfect 😉.

12. Click "Map Fields"

13. Click "Show More Columns" to review all field to be synced or select/unselect them

Now that you've mapped the tables, let's do the same for each of the fields you want to sync.

Stacksync will cleverly auto-map your columns. Some of the columns might be left to you to be mapped manually as they name and semantics cannot be mapped automatically.

Feel free to map, select and unselect columns as you please.

14. Click "Create Sync"

15. Switch on the sync

16. Your data is syncing!

After turning sync on, you can check the issues page to see any sync errors from your connected apps. This might help you troubleshot why some data is not appearing in one of your apps.

Yay! Your data is syncing! 🥳

Last updated