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Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage and streamline their sales, marketing, and customer service activities. It provides a range of tools and features for managing customer data, tracking leads and opportunities, automating sales processes, and providing personalized customer experiences. Salesforce also offers a range of enterprise-level solutions for analytics, marketing automation, and customer service management.

Your can now keep your Salesforce data in sync with all your other CRMs and databases systems with Stacksync!

Check out our Salesforce guides to get started!

Things to keep in mind

Can't find a table in the list of proposed tables to map?

If any of the tables you would like to sync is not proposed among the tables in your sync configuration, it does not mean it cannot be synced. Write us a message at and we will be glad to help and add your custom object to the list!

The Salesforce connector is available with triggers or with regular polling, which might fit better in different cases.

For the two-way sync technology to work, Stacksync needs to be notified when your data changes. The use of the Salesforce connector with triggers or regular polling for data notifications is done automatically for you by Stacksync. If you want to know more or have some specific needs, contact us and we'll be happy to help!

Stacksync offers two ways to capture data changes from Salesforce. Both methods enable to read and sync only the incremental data changes for maximal efficiency.

Here is a short summary of which change data capture method are used and when they are used:

  1. Apex Triggers are used whenever possible (i.e. Salesforce will actively notify Stacksync of any data update made in your CRM). To do so, Stacksync must be able to set Apex triggers and set a remote site setting. If these conditions are not met, the regular polling alternative for change data capture is used.

  2. Regular polling is used for change data capture on Salesforce synced objects whenever the Apex triggers method cannot be used. Stacksync will intelligently poll at regular frequencies the data updates that happened on your synced objects. Only incremental data updates are captured by this method for maximal efficiency. In most cases, Regular polling will be used as it requires less authorisations, less setup for production deployment and offers good performance for large data volumes.

Some tables and custom objects might not be supported

As of now, most Salesforce objects are supported by Stacksync but not all. Tables and objects that are not yet supported are:

  • Objects that are not writable (i.e. where data can be updated via API).

  • If you use the Salesforce connector with triggers: the objects that are not triggerable (i.e. where triggers can be set on the object).

  • If you use the Salesforce connector with regular polling, the tables that do not have a last_modified_data column automatically maintained by Salesforce.

These limitations are because Stacksync offers a powerful real-time and two-way sync, which requires tables to be written to, as well as having Stacksync's system notified when some data changes. We are working on some alternatives to cleverly enable the sync of all tables. Stay tuned!

Experimenting in Sandbox or Developer Accounts

A good practice is always to experiment in a Sandbox environment and promote your working and tested systems to stage and prod environments. Contact us anytime at if you need any support.

Last updated