Authorize HubSpot

Authorize your HubSpot app and sync data with Stacksync

Hubspot connection is done without code in a few steps.

1. Click "Create new sync"

Click "create new sync"

2. Select the HubSpot connector

Select the HubSpot connector

Getting stuck on this step?

If you get stuck on a loading page after when trying to connect HubSpot (i.e. waiting a few minutes), verify that you do not have an Ad blocker or that popup windows are not blocked.

Fix ✅: Press cancel, Deactivate your Ad blocker and try again to Authorize HubSpot.

3. Click "Connect Stacksync to HubSpot

Connect your HubSpot instance to Stacksync

That's it! Your HubSpot instance is connected 🎉

Last updated