Authenticate your Salesforce app and sync data with Stacksync
Adding Credentials to Stacksync
1. Select Salesforce in the Create Sync page in Stacksync.
Getting stuck on this step?
If you get stuck on a loading page after when trying to connect Salesforce (i.e. waiting a few minutes), verify that you do not have an Ad blocker or that popup windows are not blocked.
Fix ✅: Press cancel, Deactivate your Ad blocker and try again to Authorize Salesforce.
2. A new tab will open. Select your account.
On production: We recommend creating a specific Salesforce user for your Stacksync application, and make sure that it has the required permissions.
3. Fill out the credentials and log into your account.
If you do not have the API Enabled for your Salesforce user, follow this tutorial to activate it: Enable API Access in Salesforce
Permissions needed to use Stacksync Salesforce connector
When your data changes, Stacksync needs to be notified in order to power real-time sync. Depending on your setup, using regular data polling or triggers can be best. Stacksync proposes the two alternatives and selects the best one automatically for you.
To use the Salesforce connector, you will need a Salesforce user with the following permissions,
for the connector using regular polling for change data capture:
API Enabled - Allows the user to execute API calls.
With regular polling, Stacksync works as follows: When you create a sync with Salesforce, we will only query your Salesforce instance regularly in an optimized manner to get the latest changes on your data. We only sync the incremental changes that happened since our last poll. As we detect some activity in your Salesforce data, we optimize our polling rate to provide you with a real-time sync performance, and save your resources otherwise when your data is not active. You will save much API resources compared to all other alternatives for real-time and two-way sync.
for the connector using triggers for change notifications:
API Enabled - Allows the user to execute API calls.
Author Apex - Allows the user to create and EDIT Apex classes and Triggers.
Customize Application OR Modify All Data - Allows the user to create or edit remote site settings.
With triggers, Stacksync works as follows: When you create a sync with Salesforce, we will create an Apex trigger that calls an Apex callout class which sends data to Stacksync via a remote site setting. This is why we need all three of the above permissions.
I get the error "The REST API is not enabled for this Organization"
Stacksync accesses your data to be synced in the background via the Salesforce API, which makes the integration frictionless. You Salesforce Organization must have the API feature enabled and this depends your Salesforce subscription plan.
Editions with API Access (enabled by default)
Enterprise Edition
Unlimited Edition
Developer Edition
Performance Edition
Editions with optional API access
Professional Edition (can be purchased as an add-on, contact the Salesforce sales team to order the API access)
Editions without API Access
Group Edition
Essentials Edition
Unfortunately, editions without API Access cannot use Stacksync now, please contact us at if you have a special use case we can help you with!
The "View All Data" permission is required to allow Stacksync access to the Tooling API, which is necessary for using for setting up the Sync to use the Bulk API.
The permission can be enabled from Setup -> Users -> Profiles and then editing the profile of the user connected to Stacksync, and then enabling the "View All Data" permission.